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Streamline Your Scheduling with iFactFind’s Integrated Calendar Solutions

iFactFind enhances the client-adviser interaction by integrating seamless scheduling solutions, enabling clients to directly book appointments through Calendly, Microsoft Bookings, or Google Calendar. This feature starts from the very beginning of the client journey, incorporating a smooth onboarding process. When a pre-meeting link is sent to a client, it can include an optional link to a calendar event, allowing clients to book their initial meeting effortlessly. This streamlined approach not only eliminates the need for a follow-up to schedule appointments but also ensures that new clients are integrated into the Advisery process smoothly and efficiently.


The same seamless integration applies to scheduling review meetings. By sharing event links, clients can update their Fact Find information and simultaneously book their review meeting. This setup greatly reduces the administrative burden on advisers, freeing them to focus more on providing valuable advice rather than managing scheduling tasks. Additionally, for more spontaneous needs, advisers can send standalone event links for ad-hoc meetings directly from the system.

Behind the scenes, iFactFind’s event management feature simplifies the process further by tracking all events. The system intelligently prompts which specific link should be sent to clients based on the type of meeting required. This capability ensures that every interaction is organised and that clients receive the appropriate links and information for their meetings.

Through this integrated scheduling functionality, iFactFind not only makes the Advisery process more efficient but also enhances the overall client experience, making every interaction as welcoming and productive as possible.