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Client Goals

iFactFind leverages a sophisticated three-step process for capturing and articulating client goals, ensuring that each financial plan aligns with the individual's aspirations and values. This approach counteracts the common tendency among clients to focus primarily on short-term or immediate objectives—a mindset we refer to as WINIWIMI (What Is Next Is What Is Most Important). Such a myopic view often causes clients to overlook critical long-term goals essential for a fulfilling and successful future.

Understanding that clients might not always recognise the importance or relevance of broader objectives without guidance, iFactFind has developed a robust framework to help advisers effectively work with their clients in identifying and articulating a complete spectrum of goals.

Step 1: Setting SMART Goals

The process begins with setting SMART goals to establish a clear, actionable path for financial planning:


Goals are clearly defined to give direction and focus.


Each goal includes benchmarks for assessing progress.


Goals are realistic and achievable within a given timeframe.


Goals are aligned with the client's broader life objectives.


Each goal has a specific deadline to encourage prompt action.

This framework ensures that goals are not only structured but also trackable, enhancing the client's motivation and commitment.

Step 2: Prioritisation of Goals:

Recognising that not all goals carry the same weight, this step involves prioritising goals according to their importance to the client. This prioritisation ensures that resources are allocated efficiently and that the most critical objectives are addressed first, maximising client satisfaction and effectiveness of the financial strategy.

Step 3: Relevance and Values Statement:

To deepen the connection between financial targets and the client's personal values, each goal is accompanied by a relevance and values statement. This statement, crafted in the client's own words, articulates the personal significance of each goal. It serves as a powerful tool for building trust, as it demonstrates the adviser's understanding and commitment to the client’s unique circumstances and aspirations.

By integrating these three steps—SMART goal setting, prioritisation, and crafting relevance and values statements—iFactFind creates a holistic approach to financial planning. This approach not only captures the full spectrum of a client’s goals but also ensures these goals resonate deeply with their personal values and life vision. Such comprehensive and client-centred planning strengthens the adviser-client relationship, encouraging active client involvement and long-term adherence to the financial plan, effectively addressing the short-sightedness of the WINIWIMI approach.