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GDPR | Your Data Security: Our Commitment

Since May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)—the European Union's landmark privacy legislation—has been in force. This document outlines how iFactFind is fully embracing GDPR compliance.

The GDPR enhances and unifies data privacy standards across EU countries, imposing new responsibilities on all organizations that process the personal data of EU citizens, irrespective of the organizations' locations. Here, we describe our strategies and ongoing efforts to comply with GDPR.

Steps Toward Compliance

Security Infrastructure and Certifications

iFactFind has diligently aligned its products and contractual obligations with the GDPR mandates to ensure readiness by May 25, 2018. Our approach includes:

  • Ongoing investments in our robust security infrastructure

  • Establishing suitable contractual conditions

  • Maintaining our ability to support international data transfers, reinforcing this through Privacy Shield self-certifications, and implementing Standard Contractual Clauses in our revised Data Processing Addendum

  • Enhancing our products with new features for data management and portability

We actively monitor regulatory guidance on GDPR compliance and adapt our strategies accordingly. Regular updates will be provided to our customers to keep them informed.

Our Security Measures

The security of our customers' data and their clients' privacy is our top priority. As a provider of cloud-based financial services, we adhere to stringent security standards to protect the most sensitive information.

Our dedicated security team is equipped to address a range of issues, from threat detection to the development of innovative tools. iFactFind is committed to fulfilling GDPR mandates concerning security breach notifications.

International Data Transfers

We aim to restrict data transfers to non-EU countries, ensuring that no EU/UK data is transferred to our AU-based offices or servers.

Data Management and Portability

To aid compliance, iFactFind has developed several tools, including:

  • Import and export functionalities that allow businesses to handle their Customer Data efficiently.

  • A client deletion tool to assist Advisers in responding to requests for data removal.

Stay Informed

We are here to assist you in navigating the complexities introduced by the GDPR. This page will continue to evolve with the latest GDPR-related updates. Should you have any questions about how iFactFind can support your compliance efforts, please contact us.