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Scope Of Advice

Scope Of Advice iFactFind streamlines the scoping process interactively from the outset of the client-adviser relationship. Scoping can commence as early as the initial meeting through a Pre-Meeting Questionnaire or directly within the Fact Find module. This flexibility ensures that the scoping process is integrated smoothly into the broader workflow, including the generation of key documents like Engagement Letters.

The Scope of Advice tool within iFactFind is designed not only to outline the services offered but also to engage clients actively. It prompts them to consider all potential areas of advice, fostering a comprehensive discussion about their true needs. This interactive approach helps clients understand the full spectrum of possible financial strategies and services, encouraging a deeper exploration of their financial situation.

Moreover, iFactFind allows for customisation of the scoping questions to align with the specific areas of advice that advisers provide. This customisation ensures that the questions are directly relevant to the adviser's expertise and the client's financial context, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of the advice given.

The integration of scoping into iFactFind’s digital platform facilitates a seamless transition from initial client engagement to ongoing management and document workflow. By enabling early and effective scoping, iFactFind ensures that the financial advice provided is precisely tailored to the client's needs, thereby enhancing client satisfaction and optimising the Advisery process. This interactive and customisable scoping tool is a critical component in establishing a clear, focused, and client-centered Advisery pathway.