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Terms of Use

The “iFactFind” online software platform (the “Platform Website”), and the iFactFind general website located at (the “Website”) (the Website and Platform Website together, the “Platform”), is controlled and operated by PULSS Pty Ltd T/A iFactFind.


The terms and conditions set out below (“Terms of Use”) apply to use of the Platform by Users (that being any person who accesses or uses the Platform) and Organisations (that being, groups who pay a subscription fee to access and use additional functionality of the Platform).

Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using the Platform.

The Platform is available for Users to use conditional on their acceptance of these Terms of Use. By accessing or using the Platform, Users agree to be legally bound by these Terms of Use, just as if Users had signed an agreement with iFactFind.

iFactFind reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use at any time. Notice of any amendments will be displayed on the Website. The continued use of the Platform by a User following such amendments to these Terms of Use shall constitute acceptance that User of those amendments. Users should familiarise themselves with these Terms of Use and check for updates regularly. If a User does not agree to these Terms of Use, that User should stop accessing or using the Platform immediately.


  • The ability of Users to hold iFactFind responsible for any loss or damage caused by accessing or using the Platform is significantly restricted (see clause 14).
  • The liability of iFactFind for any loss or damage caused by accessing or using the Platform is significantly restricted (see clause 14).
  • Users’ use of the Platform is on an “as is” basis and is entirely at their own risk. iFactFind is not responsible for loss and damage in the event that the Platform is inaccessible, or its security is compromised in any way.
  • Users who input or upload Content to the Platform provide iFactFind with a licence to use that Content (see clause 13).
  • Users are solely responsible for compliance with all laws and applicable or relevant regulations, industry and professional codes of conduct or other relevant laws when using the Platform (see clause 11).
  • Users should not input Personal Information of any Third Party into the Platform unless that Third Party first consents to iFactFind collecting, handling and using their Personal Information in accordance with its Privacy Policy.


Where a definition is used for the first time in these Terms of Use, it will appear in Bold Capitalised Text.

“Content” means all content on the Platform including without limitation text, photographs, logos, names, designs, information, Personal Information, financial information, data, drawings, links, video recordings and audio recordings.

“Financial Services Business” means a business which provides financial-related services, including without limitation dealing in a financial product or service, providing financial product or service advice, or making a market for a financial product or service, and also includes related businesses.

“Invited User” means a User who has been invited to create a User Account by an Organisation.

“Insolvent” means an externally administered body corporate, or an insolvent body corporate under administration, within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

“Intellectual Property” means all intellectual property and quasi-intellectual property rights (past, present and future) conferred by law (whether registered or unregistered) including without limitation business names, trade marks, patents, designs, trade secrets, computer programs, databases, inventions, copyright, circuit layout, moral rights and all proprietary rights and all other intellectual property defined in Article 2 of the Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation (July 1967).

“Organisation”means a person, business or company, including without limitation a Financial Services Business, who must pay a subscription fee to iFactFind in exchange for the creation of an Organisation Account on the Platform that will allow that person, business or company, and any of their Representatives, to visit, view, browse, access or otherwise use and interact with the Platform at no further cost.

“Organisation Account” has the meaning provided in clause 5.1.

“Personal Information” has the same meaning as in the Privacy Policy.

“Platform Services” means the services listed in clause 2 and any subsidiary services provided by iFactFind via or in relation to the Platform.

“Privacy Act”means the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) as amended by the Privacy Amendment Act 2000 (Cth) and the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (Cth).

“Privacy Policy” means the privacy policy for the Platform as amended or updated from time to time, a copy of which can be found on the following webpage:

“Representatives” means any employees, contractors, agents, affiliates, clients or other authorised representatives of an Organisation.

“Third Party” means an individual who is identified or identifiable by Third Party Personal Information.

“Third Party Personal Information” means Personal Information supplied by a User that relates to another individual who is not that User.

“User” is a person who visits, views, browses, accesses or otherwise uses and interacts with the Platform.

“User Account” has the meaning provided in clause 4.1 of these Terms of Use.

“User Content” means any Content shared via, or submitted or uploaded to, the Platform by a User of the Platform with a User Account.


Further information

If you have any questions in relation to SaaS Agreement, you can contact us in the following ways:

Phone: 1300 0 PULSS (+61-1300 0 78577)
Postal Address: PO Box 560, Carlton North, Victoria Australia 3054