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Integrations are fundamental to the effectiveness of iFactFind, which is meticulously designed with a centralised data methodology to optimise the Advisery process. By functioning as a Single Source of Truth (SSOT), iFactFind ensures that data captured is consistently accurate and up-to-date across all integrated systems. This method allows for data to flow seamlessly from the initial pre-meeting stage right through to the completion of the fact find, streamlining the process and significantly reducing the time spent on data handling.

The core advantage of iFactFind’s integrations is the ability to maintain a unified dataset that updates in real-time, ensuring that every piece of client data is synchronised across various platforms without the need for multiple entries. This not only minimises errors but also enhances the efficiency of financial Advisery services, allowing advisers to focus more on client interaction and less on administrative tasks.

iFactFind integrates with a variety of leading financial management tools, enhancing its functionality and scope. Our key integration partners include Xplan, Voyant, Worksorted, Fin365, and Navexa. Each partner brings unique capabilities that, when combined with iFactFind, provide comprehensive solutions for financial advisers. For instance, Xplan enhances financial planning and client management, Voyant offers advanced cash flow modeling, Worksorted streamlines CRM and practice management, Fin365 provides insights through business intelligence, and Navexa offers detailed portfolio tracking and analytics.

Through these strategic partnerships, iFactFind empowers advisers to deliver superior service and advice, tailored to the specific needs of their clients.
